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The Koru Project

Recently, The Koru Project has been working with us here at Chetnole Village Hall through their Alternative Specialist Provision. They have been hiring Village Halls, Children’s Centres, and gyms throughout Dorset to enable Therapeutic Education for Re-engagement work. The idea of Therapeutic Education is to help children and young people who have low mood and low self-esteem to look outwards into the world: fostering a sense of curiosity; building engagement in learning; boosting confidence and improving a sense of wellbeing.

Our sessions also offer a safe place to explore emotions and increase levels of emotional literacy thus improving behaviour and ability to cope in social situations.

What they offer:

Windows on the World– A bespoke programme of study with a proven track record of results. Initially, sessions are based on the student’s interests, broadening to encompass a wider curriculum which works towards building confident and successful learners. This is a collaborative, creative and thematic approach to learning. This can, over time, build to GCSE and Functional skills qualifications.

Staffing– They have a range of education professionals and therapists who are experienced in helping children and young people who have had difficulties in learning at school. A fun, relaxed and ‘no-judgement’ approach enables their pupils to see the value of learning, and that making mistakes is part of this process and so enabling reengagement in their education. Building positive relationships heals feelings of failure, building self-belief and this attachment focused work reduces anxiety and enables learning to take place. Children and young people can enjoy the success of achievement, and be celebrated for being fully themselves.

More information can be found here.


Art Group

10:30am – 12pm every Friday. After a very successful first year the art group continues to grow with many new enthusiastic beginners and experienced artists.

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coffee morning

Coffee Morning

10am – 12pm every Wednesday. Drop in for the whole time or just for a few minutes. Coffee, tea, biscuits for a small charge (from

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post office sign

Post Office

The Post Office is open at Chetnole Village Hall every Wednesday 9:30am till 12pm. The Post Office offer a wide range of facilities including: Selling

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Pilates with Debbie

Pilates classes are held in Chetnole Village Hall on a Tuesday.  Debbie Knight teaches two classes in a row, one starting at 11:00 and one

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wriggle valley voices

Wriggle Valley Voices

7:30pm – 9:00pm every Thursday. The Wriggle Valley Voices, a community led group with members contributing by playing guitar, planning new songs and organising singing

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