The Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club meets most months on the first Monday of the month in Chetnole Village Hall at 7:30pm. Visitors are welcome for £3. This year’s programme is available here:
The Club was formed in 1985 and enjoys an active programme of talks, visits to gardens of note and social events throughout the year. The talks are given in Chetnole Village Hall on the first Monday of the month, covering a wide variety of subjects, principally gardening but also some allied subjects. Each year there is an evening garden visit followed by the Club supper and the Club also organises longer visits to gardens further afield. After the Annual General Meeting in October, refreshments and wine or soft drinks are available, and a Christmas Party is held annually. In alternate years members of the Club in Chetnole and Leigh generously open their gardens one day in the summer for charity.
The Club has also been able to arrange discounts on behalf of members of up to 25% from Castle Gardens once or twice a year. We are also corporate members of the Gold Card Club at Castle Gardens which gives us access to other trips and benefits.
The membership is usually around 80 in number, drawn mostly from the parishes of Chetnole and Leigh but is open to all in the area interested in the Club’s activities. The Committee, elected annually, are keen to involve as many as possible in these activities, particularly younger members. Current fees are £12 per individual. Visitors to lectures are welcome for a fee of £3 each. Raffles are held at the meetings, which together with membership fees, fund the Club’s activities. Everyone is welcome, a wealth of experience in horticultural and wildlife exists within the membership and each meeting begins with a brief open forum session to enable members to exchange expertise and tips. There is also a monthly competition, details of which are published in the programme. In recent years a daffodil bulb growing competition has been held in the spring and a fuchsia growing competition in the summer.
If you would like to join the Club or have any questions, please contact any of the Committee members. These can be found on the current year’s programme above.